Admissions Timeline


2025-2026 Timeline for Lottery Processes

March 10th Commitment to Return email form sent to current families
March 28th Commitment to Return due
April 3rd, 11:59 pm Applications Deadline for Admissions Lottery
April 4th Admissions Lottery Drawing
April 7th-11th Lottery result notifications will be emailed to all new applicant families
May 1st Lottery Acceptances due
June 3rd UTTUA begins summer hours; offices are closed on Fridays
June 30-July 4th District Offices Closed
July Campus Enrollment and New Student Registration Days, TBD by each campus
July 28th UTTUA returns to normal operating hours, Monday - Friday
August New Student Orientation, TBD by each campus


University Academy is an open enrollment charter school.  While a lottery is in place to begin the admissions process, enrollment is open all year.  All applications received on April 4th and later will be added to the wait list in the order they are received.   Any available opening in any grade level will be filled from the wait list all year long.